For students in need of financial aid to help pay for their educational expenses, several need-based grants are offered annually. There is no obligation to repay these “gift aid” grants, including:
Pell and FSEOG grants are for exceptionally needy undergraduate students seeking their first bachelor’s degree. Eligibility is determined by the results of the annual Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You can track your federal loans and grants through the National Student Loan Data System.
Many state governments offer grants for college expenses. Students must file the FAFSA to be considered.
The following grants are available to those entering Carlow in the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 academic years:
Carlow Grant, for those who demonstrate sufficient need according to the FAFSA. Eligibility is limited to a maximum of four academic years as long as the student maintains full-time enrollment and submits an annual FAFSA.
Carlow Resident Student Grant, for students wishing to reside on campus and demonstrate sufficient financial need according to the FAFSA. Eligibility is limited to four academic years as long as the student files the FAFSA annually and maintains on-campus residence as well as full-time enrollment. Moving out of the residence hall will impact the eligibility of this grant.
We’re here to help you through the financial aid process.